Political Essay on the Island of Cuba


05/28/2013, Workshop: „Alexander von Humboldt in English“, Potsdam

Humboldt workshop in Potsdam The Alexander von Humboldt in English (HiE) research group will meet at the Universität Potsdam, Germany,

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EnglishFaksimile und DigitalisateHUMBOLDT ZUM EINSTIEGKartenWerkeditionen

»HiE – Humboldt in English« book series: Chicago University Press website goes online!

Chicago University Press recently inaugurated a new website on Alexander von Humboldt. The website is meant to provide context, original

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EnglishNeues aus der ForschungWerkeditionen

Political Essay on the Island of Cuba (The University of Chicago Press 2011)

Political Essay on the Island of Cuba – Essai politique sur l´île de Cuba In May 2011, the Chicago University

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