05/28/2013, Workshop: „Alexander von Humboldt in English“, Potsdam
Humboldt workshop in Potsdam
The Alexander von Humboldt in English (HiE) research group will meet at the Universität Potsdam, Germany, for a public workshop. There will be four presentations and group discussion.
Vera M. Kutzinski (Vanderbilt University):
„Why Alexander von Humboldt in English?“
Giorleny D. Altamirano Rayo (University of Texas, Austin):
„Researching Humboldt’s Intellectual Networks“
Tobias Kraft (Universität Potsdam):
„Editing Humboldt in the Digital Age“
Ottmar Ette (Universität Potsdam):
„Alexander von Humboldt‘s travel diaries: challenges and prospects“

Time and place
May 28, 2013
4:00-7:30 p.m.
University Campus Neues Palais
House 8, Room 075
14469 Potsdam
This workshop is open to the public. No registration necessary.
About HiE
The Alexander von Humboldt in English (HiE) project is a joint research project by Vera M. Kutzinski (Vanderbilt University) and Ottmar Ette (Universität Potsdam) and is part of POINTS – Potsdam International Network for TransArea Studies. Its goal is to prepare volumes of new, nabridged, and annotated translations of the most significant parts of Alexander von Humboldt’s monumental Voyage aux regions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent (Paris, 1805-1839), one of the most important texts for the study of transatlantic and global modernities.
The HiE project team started in 2007 and has published two volumes so far. A third volume, Alexander von Humboldt’s Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, is currently being edited and projected to be in press by 2015.