#AvH250 – das Humboldt-Jubiläum 2019Amerika-ReiseEnglishGlobalisierungÖkologie und Umwelt

Address on the opening Alexander von Humboldt Season in Quito, Ecuador, on 13 February 2019

Autor Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Erschienen in HiN XX, 38 (2019)

DOI 10.18443/283

URL http://dx.doi.org/10.18443/283

Introduction by Ottmar Ette

From 11 to 16 February 2019, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, together with his wife and a delegation accompanying him, travelled to Latin America. The destinations of this trip were the two South American countries Colombia and Ecuador. The journey took the Federal President to Cartagena de Indias, the Caribbean archipelago of the Islas del Rosario and finally to Bogotá. From the capital of Colombia, the group travelled to the capital of Ecuador, to the Pacific Archipelago of the Galapagos Islands, to the famous volcanic giant Antisana and finally to Guayaquil and from there back to Germany.

The journey followed in the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt and, on the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin. The homage to the Prussian scholar Humboldt was an important part of the delegation’s visit. The actual highlight of the Federal President’s stay in Latin America was his speech in Quito on 13 February 2019, with which he ceremoniously opened the “Humboldt Season” on the occasion of Alexander von Humboldt’s 250th birthday. This fact is of considerable symbolic importance, as the opening did not take place in Berlin, but in a Latin American capital to which the younger of the two Humboldt brothers was particularly committed. We would like to thank the Federal President and the Office of the Federal President for their kind permission to reprint the text in its English and German versions below.

Redaktion avhumboldt.de (TK)

Dr. Tobias Kraft (TK) ++ Homepage ++ Redaktionsleitung avhumboldt.de (früher Humboldt im Netz) seit 2001 sowie Mitglied im Editorial Board des Open Access Journals HiN – Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien seit 2002 ++ Studium der Romanistik, Germanistik, Medienwissenschaft und Geschichte an der Universität Bonn und an der Universität Potsdam ++ 2008–2013 Promotion zu Alexander von Humboldt am Lehrstuhl für französisch- und spanischsprachige Literatur (Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette), Institut für Romanistik, Universität Potsdam ++ seit Januar 2015 Arbeitsstellenleiter im Langzeitvorhaben "Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen – Wissenschaft aus der Bewegung" (AvH-R) an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ++ Initiator und seit 2019 Leiter des "Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD) – Initiative zur Fortbildung in den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften / Iniciativa para la Capacitación en Humanidades Digitales (La Habana/Berlin)".

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