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Networking Knowledge. Considering Alexander von Humboldt’s Legacy in a New Shared Space in Education

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HiN XVI, 30 (2015)
Autor: Karin Lundberg

erschienen in HiN XVI, 30 (2015)

Global citizenship and diversity are well-represented concepts in today’s higher education. Learning outcomes and competencies are designed to sensitize students to the many cultural backgrounds of U.S. learning institutions. Nevertheless, true globality, as represented through diverse discourses and perspectives of the world, still seems neglected in curricula and course assignments. This article of Karin Lundberg explores the possibilities offered through a new shared space in education where different forms of networked knowledge and multifaceted perspectives can build a global platform of exchange in a diverse student population. The universal science concept described by Alexander von Humboldt at the beginning of the 19th Century illuminates this intertwined approach to knowledge of the world, which has the potential to positively impact contemporary curricula and course design. Von Humboldt’s writings emphasize inclusion and interplay among cultures and natural phenomena. By inviting our students to be active representatives of diverse discourses, these interconnecting links will become more transparent. In turn, productive forms of knowing about the world may enrich current learning objectives and thereby reflect a true global citizenship as it evolves in a new shared space of education. >> read full article

Julia Bayerl

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Alexander von Humboldts Amerikanische Reisetagebücher” der Universität Potsdam und der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK. Teilprojekt: “Genealogie, Chronologie, Epistemologie” (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette). ++ Studium der Romanistik und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Regensburg, der Universdad de Buenos Aires und der Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. ++ Seit 2014 Promotion zu Alexander von Humboldts Zeichnungen und Bild-Text Beziehungen in den Amerikanischen Reisetagebüchern.

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